131 Wettlaufer St.
Tavistock, ON
N0B 2R0
Email: tavistocklittlepreschool@gmail.com
Phone #: 519-655-3934
(Located in the basement of Tavistock Mennonite Church)
A Morning at TLP-S!
Here is a glimpse of what our morning looks like from 8:30a.m. to 12p.m. Monday through Thursday!
Doors open at 8:30a.m. Arrival time varies family to family and there is no requirement to start right at 8:30. Children engage in free play with age and developmentally appropriate activities for the first part of the day.
At approximately 10a.m. we transition to the carpet to take the children to the washroom for hand washing prior to snack. Snack is provided by the center and a monthly menu is posted in the center and on HiMama.
After snack, the children transition back into play. Activities provided throughout the morning include but are not limited to: Creative/Sensory, Puzzles/Books, Gross Motor Play, Dramatic Play, Manipulatives/Table Toys,
At this time the classroom transitions to tidying up the room before grouptime. At this time the entire group collects together for a more focused activity. This can include but is not limited to actions songs, concepts such as letters, numbers, colours, feelings, yoga/deep breathing, music etc.
Children are dismissed one-by-one from the carpet to their grownups by the director/educators.
A reminder that although this is a typical day, not everyday looks this way.
All times are approximate because as we know, routines and schedules easily change with children.
Special activities and or events will cause the schedule to vary as well.